KitchenDraw is the kind of software any company dedicated to sell kitchens should have or even better if you have in mind the change of your kitchen and want to simulate a new one with furniture, decoration, colors, texture, etc. This is what do you need. You will know how to run this program carefully, because it has a lot of features available for us, you can also view the demo program in its main site so you can figure out how to work properly with this program. Companies dedicated to build and sell kitchens, bathrooms projects and so on, will appreciate this program because it has the option to make their price list or update prices and reconstruct projects with these new prices and send these changes to its customers and a very easy way; they can make also an estimate project with the exact measures of the room, furniture, etc. It has different views available i.e. wireframe elevation, realistic elevation, wireframe perspective, realistic perspective, quick photorealistic perspective and final photorealistic perspective; each view is completely different and very easy to understand, modify or end completely the project. KitchenDraw also helps to confirm by writing your project, including prices and the respective layout, this is done because it has a link with Microsoft Word and when this action is need it, you will be able to run the macro file to generate all these important technical documents for your customer. This software is free of charge and you can use it per a period of 30 hours without paying anything, but when this period ends you have to recharge per hour the use of this program. This recharge will be done in euro currency.
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